village life is relaxed life in a reduced speed. city life is stress and village life can also be boring, but being bored is also a high spiritual path.

being bored means nearly to be nothing, not anything is in being bored, its the total emptiness of all and the royal spiritual bliss ...

this always running behind the time is not the best thing you can do for your soul, but one thing in the western life, a must. time is money so its rare ..

because money is mostly a rare thing, many of us can never get enough ...

also haidakhan is a village and there is a lot of darftratsch, all the chaishopy in the valley and up .. they serve hot drinks to give oil to the mouthes of the dorftratsch and small talk is present there everywhere in all its colors and judgements and this and that.  

satsang is the smalltlak about God, about the truth, the love and all those nice eternal moments, the darshanas and the magic wonders .. and all those stories et your soul smile. good talk is good blam for you, for your very heart, inspirational dorftratsch goes up to the highest levels of being.